How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

How to keep your mouth healthy

Written by admin

January 22, 2019

Your oral hygiene or how to Keep Your Mouth Healthy is your own responsibility and there are basic habits that can ensure you live up to that responsibility. Oral health has a great deal of effect on our general well being and quality of life. You are not totally healthy if you don’t maintain good dental health. There are severe health risks, besides known conditions like tooth decay or tooth loss, gum disease and oral disorders, that are normally associated with poor oral health.

Treatment of oral diseases and conditions is quite costly. Adopting preventive measures is a better option, hence this article. Oral health entails quite a bit, and many people aren’t getting it right. Here are a few guidelines to attaining good oral health.

Regular tooth brushing:

twice-a-day brushing of teeth is the most recommended proper oral hygiene practice. For brushing to be effective, you must do it at least twice a day, using a good quality brush, and toothpaste with fluoride. Change your brush every two to three months, or when the bristles wear out. Most people—you probably included—rush through brushing their teeth. But on average, you should brush your teeth for at least 120 seconds if you mean a healthy mouth. Clean your tongue. The tongue is often neglected when brushing. Bad dental practice. You should focus on brushing your tongue every time you brush your teeth, as bacteria collect on it, causing smell or tooth decay. Floss teeth once or twice a day, and do it well. Flossing is cleaning in-between your teeth to get rid of debris or plague. Additionally, while using mouthwash is advisable, some experts recommend using it to rinse after brushing instead of using water. Mouthwash not only makes your breath fresh, it fights bacteria.

Proper eating habit:

there is a list of products identified as unhealthy because they promote poor oral health. Tobacco, alcohol and sugary foods are in this category. Especially if you live in a rural area where access to both toothpaste with fluoride and dental care is inadequate, proper eating habit is essential for achieving good oral hygiene. You will have to limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods, and drink plenty of water. Eating more vegetables and fruits can help protect your teeth from oral infections.

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Professional care:

no matter how strictly you adhere to the above recommendations, you still will need professional care. Visit your dentist at least once a year. You need not wait until you have a dental problem to visit the dentistry. Seeing your dentist for checkups places you in control of your dental health. You will not be caught unawares in any dental problems as your dentist or hygienist can detect any potential problems before they escalate.


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  1. Martha nyarko

    Good information
    Am going to change my habit now thanks so much for the education

  2. Helina Boakye

    Great piece of advice,thank you


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